Shaheen Leads Senate Bipartisan Push to Rollback Over a Decade of Insulin Price Hikes
The Insulin Price Reduction Act has been endorsed by JDRF and the American Diabetes Association (ADA)

Senator Shaheen just introduced legislation to rollback insulin prices:
The JDRF announced this support for the legislation
“No one should suffer or die because they cannot access insulin. We are very grateful for Senators Shaheen, Collins, Carper, and Cramer for introducing this important piece of legislation, which would treat insulin like the life-saving drug that it is.
This bill would take several significant steps to make insulin affordable. Prescription drug rebates currently make up about 70 percent of the list price of insulin, and JDRF supports eliminating their use and requiring insulin manufacturers to drop their prices, as this bill would do. At the same time, people with diabetes need access to affordable insulin year around, and JDRF supports the bill’s provisions to cover insulin outside the deductible, to prevent spikes in costs at the beginning of the year.
It’s unacceptable for anyone who needs insulin to not have access, and we will continue to fight for action by government and the private sector. For help with insulin costs, visit”