Writing About Diabetes to Stay Healthy

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A new online initiative is inviting Australian citizens with Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes to participate in an online non-fiction writing course. The program, called Writing for Health, is being launched by The University of South Wales in collaboration with Saint Vincent’s Hospital (Sydney, Australia) and The Faces in the Street Research Institute. The idea is to test a theory that writing about a diabetes diagnosis, daily self-care, and health experiences can help people stay motivated to stay well.
According to the Writing for Health website, this program was started because previous research demonstrated that writing about difficult life experiences can help to improve psychological and physical well-being. Writing for Health is a pilot project, and researchers hope it will establish personal journal writing as a conventional therapeutic tool. The pilot project offers university-level writing instruction and will require participants to post their work online over three consecutive days.
To learn more about the program, go to writingforhealth.ehat.com.au
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