
10 Ways to Spot Someone with Type 1

Sure, it’s easy to spot someone with Type 1 diabetes if you catch them bolusing before a meal. That kind of Type 1 identification is for amateurs! At Insulin Nation, we have developed a unrealistic and impractical unique guide of lesser-known ways to identify people with Type 1 in crowd.

You might have found someone with Type 1 if….

1) You shake hands and can feel fingerprint calluses.

Awkward Hand GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

2) They describe a good night’s sleep as more than three hours, uninterrupted.

Tired Good Morning GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

3) You ask them their favorite number and they quickly say, “100.”

Read “The 12 Types of Lows.”

4) They post detailed reviews of juice box brands.

Sons Of Anarchy GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

5) They critique a nurse’s injection technique during a blood draw.

Torture Garden Nurse GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

6) They don’t know that fridges have trays for butter.

Vortex Refridgerator GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Read “The 12 Different Types of Highs.”

7) They unconsciously sneer at sugar-free products in the supermarket.

Supermarket Sweep GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

8) They are fascinated by pockets in new pouches or purses.

Excited Mad Men GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

9) They like to collect old laundry detergent bottles.

Paris Hilton Laundry GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

10) They defend Jay Cutler’s football career.

Jay Cutler GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Do you have other ways to pick out someone with Type 1 in a crowd? Send them to

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Craig Idlebrook is a past editor for Insulin Nation, Type 2 Nation, and Información Sobre Diabetes. He is now the community engagement and content manager for T1D Exchange.

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