Stuff a Hipster with Type 1 Might Say

From composting to toast, the ubiquitous hipster is always trying to jazz up aspects of daily life, discover what’s cool before it becomes cool, and look nonchalant while doing it. That got us thinking of what a hipster with Type 1 might sound like.
Here are 5 things we think a hipster with Type 1 might say about his or her condition:
1. “I prick my finger like 1,000 times a day.”
2. “I wore a CGM before it was FDA approved.”
3. “Do you want to see a diabetes meme I made?”
4. “I keep a small supply of insulin in the fridge of a Starbucks I frequent so I can take a shot of it to bolus for my PSL. Oh, that’s short for Pumpkin Spice Latte.”
5. “I literally can’t with my endo sometimes.”
Now it’s your turn. Submit your best hipster diabetes quote to our editor, Craig Idlebrook ( and we’ll add it to this article. Do it before this article gets discovered and literally everybody wants to do it.
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