Insulin Nation

T1D Ultrarunner is Halfway Across Canada

It’s awesome if you’ve ever had the chance to do a 5K run to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes, but would you ever undertake a marathon? Or more precisely 180 marathons?

Sebastien Sasseville, an ultrarunner with Type 1 diabetes, recently embarked on a 9-month run across Canada to inspire others with Type 1 and raise awareness of the condition. A native of Quebec, Sasseville already is the first Canadian with Type 1 diabetes to climb Mt. Everest, and the distance runner has also completed a grueling 250 km race across the Sahara. The Canadian journey will require him to run from St. John’s, Newfoundland to Vancouver, British Columbia, a distance of approximately 7500 kilometers (4660 miles).

On the day this story is being published, Sasseville is making his way through the sparsely-populated Canadian plains, and he is somewhere in Alberta. Recently, his team put out a video summary of the first half of his journey. Since the beginning of his run, he has inspired hundreds with Type 1 diabetes and, in turn, been inspired by those he meets.

You can watch that video here:

You can find more updates from Sasseville’s run at his website, To lend your encouragement to his run, you can send him tweets at @SebInspires.