Insulin Nation

MyGrams Simplifies Carb Counting

We spoke with Daniel Blumer, CEO of MyGrams — — about his food scale smartphone case and app.  

I was diagnosed with T1D at 20 years,” said Daniel Blumer, CEO. “Even though you learn over time how many bread units and carbohydrates a food contains, this can become a major problem when trying new foods or eating out. MyGrams is a great help to anyone with diabetes.

Daniel and four college friends started MyGrams to make it easy for people with diabetes to count carbs.

Daniel Blumer –  Engineer (masters in mechatronics), Philipp Omenitsch – Coder  (masters in computer science), Philip Dimitrov – Operations ( masters in data science), Kevin Benckendorf – Marketing (physical therapist), and Alexander Dimitrov – Designer (bachelor in computer science)

How it works

The scale is integrated into the smartphone cover.  You weigh your food and Bluetooth passes the weight to the app where you select the food to get an exact carb count.

App connected to accurate scale integrated into Smartphone cover

The app contains thousands of ingredients and meals so it is easy to determine the exact nutrient composition of your food.  The simplicity of having a scale with you all the time makes MyGrams a “healthy lifestyle companion” for health-conscious people and all those who have to pay close attention to their diet.

The cover comes in black, light blue and red

The MyGrams case is attractive.  It is slim, comes in three colors and is very accurate.  It can weigh items up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs). It is accurate to 1 gram or as good as the finest kitchen scales.

Indiegogo Campaign

MyGrams is a startup based in Vienna and has an Indiegogo campaign underway. People who participate get the scale and app for 29 Euros, which is half price. Check it out!

Feedback Welcome

MyGrams is actively designing the production version of there scale and nutrition app.  They welcome suggestions and feedback. Click here to share your opinion.