Insulin Nation

Five Little-Known Facts About Dr. Frederick Banting

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. This date was chosen because it’s the birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting, the man credited with the discovery of insulin therapy. Many in the Type 1 diabetes community know the outline of Dr. Banting’s biography. Here are five lesser-known facts about his life:

1. Dr. Banting often quarrelled with colleagues, and is said to have once given a co-worker a black eye.

2. He was a fair painter, and was planning to paint full-time in his retirement.

3. He was knighted by King George V.

Read more: Frederick Banting in Film

4. Later in his life, he began to focus on aviation medicine, and worked on a suit to prevent pilots from blacking out.

5. Many know that he died while serving in World War II – fewer know that this was his second war. He also was wounded in action in World War I.

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