Insulin Nation

Finally a Book that Gets Diabetes Right

How many times have we seen or heard something like, “I ate so much I’m going to give myself diabetes” or “I need to get to the gym so I don’t get diabetes” as if it’s a choice we all make. And you can’t help but cringe when you watching medical or crime shows: someone is having a violent seizure and it looks like all hope is lost, but suddenly a doctor is near and valiantly, heroically, epically, they inject…

… insulin.

It’s frustrating (to say the least) that the world doesn’t understand even the most basic information about type 1 diabetes. But sadly, we are all used to shows, books, movies, and the internet getting diabetes wrong. Let’s not even talk about Steel Magnolias.

This is why A Cure: A Novel about Diabetes and the Search for a Cure came as a pleasant surprise. The novel is written by Dr. H. Peter Chase, an authority figure at the forefront of diabetes care and research who has put true-to-life knowledge of diabetes into an exciting story line full of crime, love, and suspense.

Even if you don’t know it, you probably know Dr. H. Peter Chase if you entered the diabetes community after the 1970s. Dr. Chase has been a pediatric clinician and researcher at the Barbara Davis Center since its inception in 1978. But, he’s known around the world as the author of the Pink Panther series (Understanding Diabetes, A First Book for Understanding Diabetes, and several others). Many people receive a Pink Panther book when they are first diagnosed since it is an in-depth and all-encompassing book for diabetes care. Dr. Chase has updated these books over the years to include new technologies, insulins, standards of care, etc. Over one million families and hospitals have used his books for education in the past 47 years.

Dr. Chase’s novel is a compelling drama, but also teaches about the importance of good blood sugar control, diabetes complications, hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, and the social and psychological stigma of having diabetes. All of this while navigating through three potential methods of curing diabetes, one of which has been tried in humans.

Whether you’re new to type 1 diabetes or are just passionate about a cure for type 1 diabetes, A Cure is a great read that people of all ages will enjoy. The novel and the Pink Panther series are published by the Children’s Diabetes Foundation and can be purchased on their website. Proceeds from the novel and educational books benefit the Children’s Diabetes Foundation.

The Children’s Diabetes Foundation was established by Barbara and Marvin Davis in 1977 in Denver as a non-profit organization dedicated to the support of research in diabetes and to provide the best possible clinical and educational programs for people with the disease. The Foundation’s mission is to raise funds to support the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, where thousands of patients of all ages from all over the world receive the finest diabetes care available. Since inception, the Children’s Diabetes Foundation has given over $110 million for the Barbara Davis Center.

“I really liked the drama and all the real world issues revolving around diabetes, as well as the dose of reality and unforeseen complications when contemplating a cure.” – Chris Acy

“Captures the hopes and dreams of the diabetes community, and spins them in a drama of compelling intensity.” – Robert H. Slover, MD, Director of Pediatric Diabetes Division, Barbara Davis Center