Insulin Nation

Editorial Guidelines

We have high standards for scientific content and medical information published on Insulin Nation. We thoroughly consider the credentials of writers and the quality of sources cited in each piece. Most of our scientific and clinical experts draw upon their peers, medical journals, professional organizations, and government reports.

You don’t have to be a professional to write for us. We also welcome first-person narratives, news, opinion, commentary, photographs, short videos, and more.

You do NOT need to check your personality when submitting to Insulin Nation. We are eager to share different voices.

All writing should be original and unpublished unless agreed upon by editor and author.

If you gather information from another source, please cite that source.

Generally, stories should range between 500-1200 words. Most pieces will be edited for clarity and length.

We have a limited budget for compensating writers. Payment decisions depend upon current editorial needs.

Have an idea? Please send your pitch to We will respond within one week.

Disclaimer – Because Insulin Nation’s mission is to deliver news and feature stories on research, therapy, and living well, we hold ourselves to standards that require us to publish accurate and authoritative information. Our standards require us not only to note the qualifications of our guest writers, which we do in a brief author bio accompanying each article, but to disclose in clearest terms the existence of any business or commercial relationship a writer may have, whether compensated or not, with any research organization, treatment facility, health care financing agency, maker of or merchant in pharmaceuticals or devices, or professional organization of diabetes care providers. When you send your query e-mail, please inform us of your writing credentials and of any present, past, or contemplated business relationships. We reserve the right to decline any submission not accompanied by information satisfactory, in our judgment, to establish the writer’s authority and make any necessary disclosures of interest to our readers.